for Him to be taken up to heaven,
Jesus resolutely set out
for Jerusalem."
(Luke 9:51)
Today is Election Day in the United States of America. As I write this (at 6:00 am EST), polls are opening. Men and women are voting. Many important positions will be filled and many important issues will be decided today, but none are as pivotal as the election of our president and vice-president.
Yesterday, a much treasured friend and sister in Christ called and asked me about my current state of spiritual awareness and discernment. She wanted to know how and what I was feeling.
I answered, "I am resolute. I am at peace, but I am resolute."
That description was not premeditated. It is not a term that I'd use describe myself, but it is the word that the Lord gave me at that moment.
Interestingly, my dear friend shared that "resolute" was the exact word that she had been given Sunday night to pray over one of the associate pastors at our church. (I just love the Lord! He is amazing!)
I believe there's more to that connection, and I am still praying through it, but, for the purposes of today's post, I think "resolute" fits quite well with what the Lord is impressing me to write about today's election.
In today's reflection Scripture (NIV), Jesus was resolute as He "set out for Jerusalem". My NIV study notes indicate that the literal translation of that phrase is "set His face to go to Jerusalem". It also references Isaiah 50:7: "Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame." The study notes for that Scripture state: "Like the prophets, the servant will endure with great determination."
Resolute as defined by several sources means ...
- unwavering, undaunted.
- firm, steadfast, fixed in purpose or belief.
- convinced; satisfied; sure.
- determined; decided; fixed; steadfast; steady; constant; persevering; firm; bold; unshaken.
Beloved, I am unwavering in my belief of God's Truth. I firmly believe that "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD ..." (Psalm 33:12). I also am sure of Isaiah 60:12: " ... the nation that will not serve You will perish; it will be utterly ruined."
Much rhetoric is flying, as always during an election year. Much is being said. Much is being promised. Much change is forecast. Words fly according to the way the political winds blow. Foundations sway. Sands shift beneath the surface of well-polished and carefully crafted appearances.
There is only one thing that is sure. There is only One person in whom Truth, Light, and Life are absolute (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8). There is only one way that I can vote today, and that is according the the principles and commands of God's Holy Word. I resolve to honor the sanctity of His created life. I resolve to uphold marriage as He designed it. I resolve to support His people, Israel.
No human leader will perfectly fulfill all the duties and responsibilities, but, to effectively govern with Divine justice and righteousness, one must have the Lord Jesus Christ as the cornerstone of the administration. I resolve to cast my vote for the person who best represents God's heart and best meets His criteria. As a Christian, I must be so resolved, for one day, I will stand before my Judge, Who will hold me accountable for choices made within my knowledge of Him.
As "Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem", He knew exactly what events were before Him. It wasn't pretty, but it was the purpose for which He was born.
As I resolutely set out for my polling place today, I do not know what the results will be after the votes are tallied. It may not be pretty, but it will be what the Lord has purposed.
I can not presume to assume what will transpire in the days, weeks, and months ahead, but I do know this:
God is sovereign.
God is just.
God is righteous.
And, one day soon, Jesus Christ will return to visibly rule His kingdom.
Come, Lord Jesus, come!
Precious Father, thank You for the gift of this day! Thank You for the blessing and privilege of serving as salt and light in a bland and blind world. Thank You for Your promise in Isaiah 11; how I long for its fulfillment! May Your will be done today, oh Holy God, on earth as it is in heaven (see Matthew 6:9-13). I pray in the name of Jesus Christ--Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Amen.
to us a Son is given,
and the government will be
on His shoulders.
And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government
and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over His kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this."
(Isaiah 9:6-7)
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Copyright 2008. Kathryn B. Wells. All Rights Reserved.
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