because the Son of Man
will come at an hour
when you do not expect Him.' "
(Matthew 24:44)
Oh, precious friends! I am so delighted to be back at the keyboard! The past week and a half has been busy, and while my flesh cried out for time to write, my spirit patiently waited upon the Lord's timing.
Many reflections are swirling about in my head and in my heart. I want to write about faith in the fire, as righteously exemplified by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. I want to write about greed, deceit, and the love of money, as unrighteously demonstrated by Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. But the word that the Lord has given me for today is "ready".
Among the definitions for "ready", this particular one struck me: "completely prepared and in fit condition for immediate action or use".
Completely prepared for immediate use. Completely fit for immediate action. Oh, beloved, does that description fit you? Does it fit me? Does it fit the Church, the bride of Christ?
Much is being said, written, speculated, predicted, and prophesied right now about end times. I suppose there are such signs in each generation, and there are certainly many indicators of end times present in today's world. But, dear friends, it really shouldn't matter whether Christ returns tomorrow, next month, next year, or a hundred years from now. We should be ready, regardless.
We do not know when Christ will call for His bride. " 'No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.' " (Matthew 24:26, see also 24:50, 25:13; Mark 13:32; Luke 12:46). We do have signs of the end of the age as recorded in God's Word (reference Mark 13 and Luke 21). But, dear ones, I believe that our purpose is not to live in conscious analysis of current events and select passages of Scripture. Rather, I believe we are to live in the unconscious synthesis of the Holy Spirit (reference Galatians 5:16-26) and the entire Word of God. That seamless manifestation of His Truth, His Light, and His Love can radiate from us only when we are completely surrendered to the Lord.
The Bible states "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." (Proverbs 25:2) and "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7). The Lord reveals Himself everyday ... in every way. But, precious ones, I don't believe that we are to seek to exist in the ecstasy of His signs and wonders. In order to be of service to the Living Lord, we must descend from the joy of our mountaintop experiences and live in His Truth and in His Light, down on the ground in the midst of the battle.
Living every day as a soldier in the Lord's ground troops is not for the weary, the uncommitted, or the faint of heart, and the Lord winnows His warriors (reference Judges 7:1-8). It is hard work, often requiring us to slog through some most undesirable circumstances. But, precious ones, faithfulness and obedience in those seemingly unglorious assignments are precisely what readies us for His return.
What glory does He get from a watching world, which perceives Christians as incubated and intubated in a Holy bubble? If I may be so bold, I submit that the Lord's greatest glory comes not from periods of untested joy and prosperity, but from periods of proven faithfulness and obedience, purposefully independent of earthly circumstances. From faith in the fire, a la Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3). From faith in the absence of fact, demonstrated by Noah (Genesis 5:28-9:29; Hebrews 11:7). From faith in fearful circumstances, characterized by the obedience of Abraham (Genesis 22:1-18; Hebrews 11:8-10). From faith in circumstances beyond human control, reasoning, and understanding, characterized by Mary, the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38, 46-55, 2:19). From faith in the face of death, represented by Stephen (Acts 7:54-60), and ultimately, embodied by Jesus Christ Himself.
The faith of these, and the faith of countless others--known and unknown, named and unnamed, past and present--was and is a ready faith, cultivated by a carefully chosen lifestyle, which consistently honored and glorified the Lord. None were perfect, but all were faithful. Long before (more than 500 years before!) the Lord directed Noah to build the ark, "he walked with God" (Genesis 6:9). Long before Abraham became our Divinely appointed patriarch, his life was characterized by prompt obedience to and faith in the Lord (Genesis 12:4, 15:6, 17:23, 22:3, 22:8). By continually walking with God, by constantly seeking His face, by consistently searching His heart, they were--and we are--made ready for the day of our greatest test of faith.
Beloved, let us cast off every shred of complacency and mediocrity, clothing ourselves instead with the full armor of God (reference Ephesians 6:10-18), including "the readiness that comes from the gospel" (reference Ephesians 6:15). Let us be ready. Let us be completely fit for His service. Let us be completely prepared for His immediate use.
He's coming ... ready or not.
Precious Father, oh glorious Lord, I thank You for incomparable and inconceivable eternal kingdom plan! I thank You, Lord, for the treasured glimpses of Your delight in our faithfulness, which encourage us as we trudge forward on the ground below. Please help us remember that our plodding is not without purpose and that our sole responsibility is to remain rooted and ready in You. I pray that our witness would go before You, "... in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous--to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." (Luke 1:17). May we " 'be dressed ready for service ...' " (Luke 12:35), and may we sound a clear call so that others will ready themselves for battle (reference 1 Corinthians 14:8). On the day of the Lamb's wedding supper, may we be found worthy to hear those precious words, " '... For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.' " (Revelation 19:7) I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Leader and Commander (reference Isaiah 55:4). Amen.
of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy
He has given us new birth
into a living hope
through the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and into an inheritance
that can never perish, spoil or fade--
kept in Heaven for you,
who through faith
are shielded by God's power
until the coming of the salvation
that is ready to be revealed
in the last time.' "
(1 Peter 1:3-5)
For further reflection on this topic, see also ...
Copyright 2008. Kathryn B. Wells. All Rights Reserved.
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