Saturday, April 11, 2009

T.G.I.F. --Thank God It's Friday! (Do You Know Him?)

"... 'Look, the Lamb of God,
Who takes away
the sin of the world!' "

(John 1:29)

Thank God it's Friday! Thank God it's GOOD Friday!

Words fail to adequately express the significance of this day. On this very good Friday, we remember an unimaginable offering. A self-inflicted sacrifice. A Divinely designed death. A triumphant trial over sin and evil.

We remember the perfect Son of God, purposefully made flesh to dwell among us. Deliberately sacrificed to save us from eternal separation from the one living God.

And, in the darkness of this Friday, we anticipate SONday ... the celebration of His glorious resurrection and victory over death.

Do you know Him?

(Please note that there is a 20-second delay before the video's audio begins. If you're receiving the post via e-mail, click over to the website to view/hear the video/audio.)

" 'Now this is eternal life:
that they may know You,
the only true God,
and Jesus Christ,
Whom You have sent.' "

(John 17:3)

For further reflection on this topic, see also ...

How can I encourage and pray for you today? Please let me know by clicking on "Sparks Share" at the end of today's reflection, and scroll down to the "Comments" box. You may choose to comment anonymously, if you prefer. Feel free to leave your praises and insights as well!

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