of My people in Egypt.
I have heard their groaning
and have come down
to set them free ...' "
(Acts 7:34)
Dear friends, we are battling a great depression, and I am not referring to the US economy. Every day, the Lord brings Christians across my path who describe themselves as "depressed". It breaks my heart. Precious ones, there is no such thing as depression in the Word of God! (Well, actually, there is one instance of depression in my NIV Bible, but it refers to a physical indentation in a house wall caused by mildew.)
I believe that what some Christians are battling is not depression but oppression. And, oppression comes not from God but from His enemy.
To oppress means "to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority; to keep down by severe and unjust use of force; to burden spiritually". Oppression is "the arbitrary, unjust, and cruel exercise of authority or power". Our oppressor is satan, who roams the earth in his limited authority, seeking to make the most of his abbreviated period of power, accusing and confusing the righteous (reference Job 1:7, 2:2; Zechariah 3:1; 2 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Peter 5:8).
Satan has lost us for eternity, but he is literally hell-bent on neutralizing and paralyzing us, robbing us of our freedom and joy in Christ and preventing us from furthering God's eternal kingdom plan.
There are those who are so comfortable in this cloak of oppression that we wear it like a martyr's hand-me-down: ragged, dirty and ... depressed. We are clothing ourselves in the tatters of enemy lies! The children of the Most High God are not meant to be depressed, oppressed, repressed, or suppressed!
The definition of depression is "a pressing down, a state of feeling sad, a lowering of vitality or functional activity". You see, we are allowing the enemy's oppression to depress us! By pressing us down with his unjust authority, satan is squashing the life out of our Christian witness and inheritance!
Beloved, we are royalty! We "are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God"! We are not to cower in the shadows of the enemy; we are to "declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light"! (Reference 1 Peter 2:9).
We do live in a fallen world right now. We physically exist in the temporal realm of "the ruler of the kindom of the air" (reference Ephesians 2:2), but, as Christians, we spiritually live in the freedom of Christ. Some of us, though, wander around like the Israelites in the desert, who had been so accustomed to their yoke of Egyptian slavery and oppression, that most seemed to prefer it!
You'll remember that, as recorded in the Old Testament, the Lord graciously saved His people, releasing them from enemy captivity with plans of leading them to the promised land. And, like a bunch of stubborn old mules, most wallowed in their new-found freedom, looking backwards instead of forwards, rehashing and romanticizing their past instead of embracing and enjoying the journey to their future.
The Lord gave them Divinely appointed leaders to guide and encourage them on their way; He sustained them daily with fresh manna from heaven. And what did they do? They grumbled, complained, and continued to hold themselves hostage. "In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron ... 'If only we had died by the LORD's hand in Egypt!' ..." (Exodus 16:2-3).
Have mercy. The Lord freed them, and they wished to be enslaved again! They Lord provided manna to nourish them, and they viewed it with selfish and thankless suspicion. "... 'What is it?' ..." (Exodus 16:15). " '... we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!' " (Numbers 11:6). And, even though they didn't really like the manna, some still disobediently, greedily, untrustingly (and fruitlessly!) hoarded it, and, because of their faithless gathering, God's Divine provision rotted in their proverbial clenched fists.
(As I write this, I am cognizant of the many exclamation points I am using. (!!) My first instinct is to edit them out, but I believe the Lord is emphasizing His passion on this topic, so I will leave them in. Also, I sat down this morning, intending to write on a subject from Malachi, but, as you regular readers know, "my" ideas seldom make it into these posts! :-) Maybe we'll see Malachi in the next post ... maybe not. We'll see whatever the Lord wants to communicate through the power of His Holy Spirit. I am not depressed or oppressed, but I do digress ... sorry about that!)
Beloved, please know that if you believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are free!
Cast off that oppressive shroud with which the enemy is smothering and choking you (reference Matthew 13:7, 22; Mark 4:7,19; Luke 8:7, 14)! Cloak yourself instead with the zeal of the Lord (reference Isaiah 59:17).
Your imprisonment is a lie. Your freedom is the Truth. The distance between the two is your choice. The Lord has provided the key to your release. In fact, He has already unlocked your shackles. All you have to do is walk out in hope (reference Isaiah 40:31), walk forward in faith (reference Romans 4:12), and walk on in joy and Truth (reference 2 John 1:4; 3 John 1:3-4).
March, my precious friends, march! Your royal inheritance, the promised land, is but a step away.
Precious Father, thank You for Your Truth, which sets us free (reference John 8:32)! My heart is burdened for those who live in the light of Your Truth but exist in the shadows of the enemy's deception. May they--may we all--realize that You have freed us from our chains (reference Psalm 116:16)! May we cast off our self-inflicted cuffs, carrying our spiritual brothers and sisters with us (reference Isaiah 52:1-2, 58:6). I pray in the name Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Light (reference John 14:6). Amen.
"To the Jews who had believed Him,
Jesus said,
'If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the Truth,
and the Truth will set you free.
... I tell you the Truth,
everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
Now a slave has no permanent place
in the family,
but a son belongs to it forever.
So if the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed.' "
(John 8:31-36)
How can we encourage and pray for you today? Please let us know by clicking on "Sparks Share" at the end of today's reflection, and scroll down to the "Comments" box. You may choose to comment anonymously, if you prefer. Feel free to leave your praises and insights as well!
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Copyright 2008. Kathryn B. Wells. All Rights Reserved.
Beloved, please know that if you believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are free!
"It is for freedom
that Christ has set us free.
that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then,
and do not let yourselves
and do not let yourselves
be burdened again
by a yoke of slavery."
by a yoke of slavery."
(Galatians 5:1)
Cast off that oppressive shroud with which the enemy is smothering and choking you (reference Matthew 13:7, 22; Mark 4:7,19; Luke 8:7, 14)! Cloak yourself instead with the zeal of the Lord (reference Isaiah 59:17).
Your imprisonment is a lie. Your freedom is the Truth. The distance between the two is your choice. The Lord has provided the key to your release. In fact, He has already unlocked your shackles. All you have to do is walk out in hope (reference Isaiah 40:31), walk forward in faith (reference Romans 4:12), and walk on in joy and Truth (reference 2 John 1:4; 3 John 1:3-4).
March, my precious friends, march! Your royal inheritance, the promised land, is but a step away.
Precious Father, thank You for Your Truth, which sets us free (reference John 8:32)! My heart is burdened for those who live in the light of Your Truth but exist in the shadows of the enemy's deception. May they--may we all--realize that You have freed us from our chains (reference Psalm 116:16)! May we cast off our self-inflicted cuffs, carrying our spiritual brothers and sisters with us (reference Isaiah 52:1-2, 58:6). I pray in the name Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Light (reference John 14:6). Amen.
Jesus said,
'If you hold to my teaching,
you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the Truth,
and the Truth will set you free.
... I tell you the Truth,
everyone who sins is a slave to sin.
Now a slave has no permanent place
in the family,
but a son belongs to it forever.
So if the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed.' "
(John 8:31-36)
How can we encourage and pray for you today? Please let us know by clicking on "Sparks Share" at the end of today's reflection, and scroll down to the "Comments" box. You may choose to comment anonymously, if you prefer. Feel free to leave your praises and insights as well!
If this topic sparked your interest, see also ...
Amen Dear Sister!! Amen!!!! Right on track again! (And you'll notice, I am free with the exclamation points myself!! *smile*)
I'm on fire for the Lord girlfriend!! Burnin up & wanting to help the world realize that they are "free at last, free at last! God have mercy they're free at last!!"
(Oh I gotta calm down here! I'm getting out of control! LOL)
The Lord's truth shines in this post...
I have been a p.o.w.-oppressed in this way. The battle to walk in the freedom that was mine took 7 long years. I learned much in the prison about enemy activity and my own 'prone to failure by leaning on my own strength' heart.
The Lord enables me to bring the spoils of my warfare to the House of God by ministering from my experience in the dungeon. Truly He enables me to comfort others with the comfort I, myself recieved from Him.
In individual oppressive circumstances there are steps lost that lead into the prison, and there are steps to take in getting out. In the duration of my deliverance (why is freedom mine, but it is taking so long to appropriate???) I learned it was a gift for me, for the pain of the experience reminds me daily to cling tightly to His hand. It has also enabled me to understand the oppression and help people out.
We learn things in the valleys that we wouldn't learn if we walked in complete freedom continually. Because of our need of refining. But our faithful God always works all of it our good and for His glory.
I pray this post sets people free, and gives them hope if they are in such a situation. That the Lord will send His soldiers around them to minister and hold up their hands. I pray He will give them the courage and faith to take the steps and the understanding they need daily to walk in the freedom.
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