Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Burning Embers

The embers are burning, but "Fan Into Flame" is not blazing yet!

Beginning September 1st, a daily reflection based on Scripture from the Holy Bible will be available on this site. Please check back, and subscribe at the right if you'd like to receive new posts in your blog manager.

In the meantime, please visit, the parent ministry of this site, directed by the Lord to consecrate His children and to prepare the Bride of Christ (His Church body) for His return.

From September 1st through October 10th, 2008, we will enter a corporate time of prayer and fasting. Read more about the significance of this 40-day journey by clicking the "Proclaim Liberty" button, located at the top right of the home page of the website. Other resources on the "Proclaim Liberty" page offer a more in-depth look at the reasons behind this particular consecrated period of fasting. Of special interest is "The Temple Plan" as well as the "Proclaim Liberty Calendar".

Trumpet and Torch Ministries offers two 40-day devotional journeys (EAT: Dine at the Table of the King and Wellspring: Unleash Your Passion for God). Each is written in a meal-by-meal format offering three daily devotions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Rooted in Scripture, both journeys encourage Christians to continually immerse themselves in the Holy Bible, eating and drinking God's Word. EAT is the first journey, through which believers learn (or re-learn!) to feast upon God's Word, thereby preparing their hearts for His service. Once you've EATen, the next journey is Wellspring, which encourages and strengthens believers to unleash their passion for the Lord through the power of His Holy Spirit.

The "Fan into Flame" reflections on this blogsite are meant to be an extra portion, a "second helping", to provide additional oil for your lamp. They are not a replacement for the 40-day journeys or for God's Holy Word, but, rather, they are meant to supplement the "meat" on your plate. They are a garnish, if you will.

Plan to join us at Trumpet and Torch beginning September 1st, and meet me daily at "Fan into Flame"; together, we'll keep those eternal and internal flames burning!

In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the available resources on the Trumpet and Torch website. Our "FAQ" link is a helpful resource if you have questions or concerns about fasting. At the bottom of our "Family Time" page, you'll find helpful resources such as meal planning and some wonderful printable placemats for children. You may want to watch these videos, found within the Media & Press link, which explain more about the vision and purpose of Trumpet and Torch Ministries.

See you soon!


Deborah said...

I'll have to keep this in mind. I have 2 studies going right now. Hopefully by Sept. I'll be a little freed up.

marie said...

Hi Kathryn,

I'm visiting from Hadassah's blog, and I just read this entry and looked at the Trumpet and Torch site. This is something I'd like to participate in, too, but somewhere on the site it said it begins February 6th? Is it necessary to register over there (clicking the RSVP button and filling out the e-mail info), or are you posting the same devotional here for each day?

It definitely sounds like a good, additional devotional time.


Kathryn said...

Marie (and Others Who Might Have the Same Question!),

Thank you for your contact and comment!

The Feb. 6th date you saw on our parent website ( was for a 40-day fast during Lent this year. (Sorry about that ... our web guy is working on updating everything!)

Another corporate 40-day fasting journey will begin September 1st. The devotional journey(s) are online at Click on the gold envelope seal (or the Log In) button to register. It's free (and private!), but you'll then have access to the on-line materials and any updated material.

The "Fan into Flame" blog is being created at the request of those who want additional devotions. I believe the Lord is leading towards a study of the Fruit of the Spirit for this forum.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to e-mail me at or


Jenifer said...

Hey Kathryn. Thanks for visiting By His Grace. Join us again for Psalm Friday as we continuet to dig into Psalm 23.


Michelle said...

Hi Kathryn!
I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog posts starting with the Sept 1st corporate journey! Thank you for your encouragement on my blog "Holding Up the Banner"! It was actually a comment post over there that led me to The trumpet & torch ministry to begin with & I'm so excited to be a part of it!!

These Are The Days said...


You left a comment on my blog a while back but for some reason my computer would get stuck when I'd try to respond. Well I just read your comment on Sophie's Hope and thought I'd direct you to my latest post that I wrote for my daughter Sophia and for people like you! Hope it is helpful. Take Care. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks again for making this available!